Eight Limbs OF Yoga Quiz


You will get 15 minutes to solve 20 questions.

Test for Philosophy and Psychology of Yoga


1 / 30

Five features of Dhyana:

2 / 30

Asana should be:

3 / 30

What is the meaning of Yogaschitvritinirodha?

4 / 30

Pratayahara is:

5 / 30

Personal Discipline are:-

6 / 30

Which of the following is a Bahiranga yoga practice?

7 / 30

Yama is --------------

8 / 30

Social Discplines are:-

9 / 30

Kriya Yoga is?

10 / 30

Pranayama is which Part of Ashtanga Yoga?

11 / 30

What is Sanskrit verbal roots for Asana?

12 / 30

Astanga-marga is a contribution of this philosophy:

13 / 30

What are the first five parts of Ashtanga Yoga called.....

14 / 30

The statement ‘Yogasutra has five Chapters --------

15 / 30

Find the odd one out......

16 / 30

What is not the three Gunas?

17 / 30

Yama is not the following:

18 / 30

Which is the seventh limb of yoga.......

19 / 30

Prathyahara means --------------

20 / 30

Pranayama is control of

21 / 30

Dharana is fixing the ------------ in particular spot

22 / 30

Yoga sutra has .......... Chapters.

23 / 30

Who is the writer of Yoga- Sutra?

24 / 30

Which one is 8th limb of Yoga?

25 / 30

What is the one word meaning of Yoga?

26 / 30

Dharana Dhyana Samadhi collectively known as:

27 / 30

Karma Yoga is the path of………

28 / 30

Which activity does not belong to Pranayama.........

29 / 30

Five types of Yama according to Patanjali are:

30 / 30

Which of the following is not in Ashtanga Yoga:

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The average score is 46%



  1. Manohar Lal Dwivedi on June 27, 2021 at 12:08 am

    Thanks very very

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